Available Dogs
All dogs are in loving foster homes in the Hudson Valley area. We adopt out of that area but you must come to meet the dog (s) you are interested in.
We do not have a physical shelter and require an approved application to meet our pets.
Please submit an application so we can put you in touch with the foster family. They have the pet in their home and can give you more information and arrange a meeting. An approved application is valid for a year and does not commit you to adoption.
Volunteers who answer email do not have information on our pets and will direct you to put in an application.
The first step in the adoption process is to submit an application.
Click on the DOG APP tab for our online application.

"I just brought my dog home...now what?"
Settling In: The 3-3-3 Rule
A newly adopted dog experiences a lot of stress. They often need time to settle in and decompress in their new homes. When you bring your new pet home simply, allow the dog to rest when needed, undisturbed, and in an area of the home without the likelihood of anyone not being able to resist petting. Use the rule of three when bringing in a new dog into your home.
- The first three days, your new pet may feel overwhelmed and is trying to adapt to its new surroundings.
- The first three weeks, the dog will start to settle in, feel more comfortable, and realize that this is their home now.
- After three months your dog should be adapted to its new home.